How Long Dental Veneers Can Last


By Burtonsville Dental Suite

If you are thinking of getting dental veneers, you will be happy to know that they provide many benefits. Veneers are a good option for repairing damaged teeth and other cosmetic issues. For instance, the dentist may suggest using veneers to cover stained teeth or restore the appearance of an oddly shaped tooth. Bear in mind that these devices do not last forever. However, with care and diligence, you can ensure that your veneers work effectively for several years.

What dental veneers can address

Many conditions can affect a person’s smile. Some of these factors can also impact the individual’s oral health. Veneers can effectively treat these challenges. A dentist may recommend that a patient get veneers to repair chipped teeth. Veneers can also restore a tooth that has cracked or suffered a fracture. This can also be a good option if a patient has some mildly misaligned teeth.

Veneers can also be a viable alternative for teeth whitening. This is especially true if a patient has a few stained teeth. The veneers can conceal the discoloration. Plus, the dentist can make the devices any color the patient desires.

A description of veneers

Dental veneers perform a similar function to dental crowns. However, there are significant differences too. A veneer is a thin porcelain shell that a cosmetic dentist will customize to be a particular shape, size, and color. While a crown fits entirely over a tooth, a veneer attaches to the front surface of one. It bonds to the tooth and improves its appearance.

The process

Before getting dental veneers, the patient will have a consultation. The dentist must then take X-rays and make impressions of the teeth. This will allow the dentist to make a veneer that fits properly and effectively addresses the person’s cosmetic needs. Once the veneer is ready, the dentist prepares the tooth by reshaping it and removing some enamel. This makes it rough so the veneers bond well. After checking the fit and color against the surrounding teeth, the dentist bonds the veneer to the affected tooth.

Care and maintenance

Patients are eager to know how long dental veneers last. In general, a veneer can be intact and work well for up to 10 years or more. Their life span depends on various factors, including how well the patient takes care of them. Someone with veneers should be cautious about biting into hard foods and objects. Also, continued oral hygiene such as twice-a-day brushing and daily flossing is vital. The patient should see the dentist every six months for checkups and follow-up appointments.

Get the most out of your dental veneers

How long your veneers last is largely up to you. If you neglect daily oral health habits or eat too many hard foods, the veneers could wear out earlier than 10 years. You could even break or pull one out. However, if you are diligent, these restorations can last for many years and continue to provide the smile you have always wanted to show off.

Request an appointment here: or call Burtonsville Dental Suite at (301) 259-5016 for an appointment in our Burtonsville office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Dental Veneers and Dental Laminates in Burtonsville, MD.

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